Sister Wives

Sister Wives: Kody & Robyn’s Bitter Fans Found a Way In

Sister Wives stars Kody Brown and Robyn Brown‘s silence hasn’t stopped some fans from finding a way to infiltrate the only couple left from the polygamous marriage on the TLC series. They are also the only two who stopped posting on social media a few years back.

The only posts you can find for Kody in the last few years are the combined announcements with his ex-wives regarding their split. And of course, he also posted in tandem with Janelle Brown an announcement of the family’s tragic loss of their son, Garrison Brown.

Sister Wives: Kody Brown & Robyn Brown Keep to Themselves

Kody Brown and Janelle Brown, both posted identical announcements about the death of their son, Robert Garrison Brown. They asked their Sister Wives fans for privacy for the family during this time of mourning.

Sister Wives: Robyn Brown - Kody Brown
Sister Wives | TLC

Since then, Janelle, Christine Brown, and Meri Brown posted thoughts and tributes regarding Garrison Brown’s untimely death. In turn, those posts gathered many comments, expressing heartfelt condolences.

Several of the Sister Wives’ adult children also shared their tributes and thoughts over Garrison’s life, as well as his death. But Kody and Robyn remain quiet.

It looks as if the comment section is shut off on Kody Brown’s announcement. But that didn’t stop fans, who found another way in.

Kody & Robyn Shut the Virtual Door to Comments

Kody Brown invited the world in to watch the daily activities of his polygamous family. At first,  Sister Wives demonstrated how Kody’s family was much like any normal family, except he had four wives. The kids were thriving and all the wives seemed relatively happy. But that changed.

Over the last few seasons, fans found Kody Brown’s treatment of his wives appalling. Plus during the COVID lockdown, the fans thought his attitude toward some of his adult kids was awful. So, the man who spiked the nation’s curiosity for one big happy family with four wives suddenly started to tank in popularity.

Sister Wives: Robyn Brown - Kody Brown

Sister Wives | TLC

Robyn Brown, who remained by his side, was seen as the wife who took him away from the other women. So Robyn wasn’t a fan favorite either. It seemed to Sister Wives fans that the editing stopped protecting Robyn Brown from herself during the last season.

They aired scenes unlike ever before, leaving fans to believe that she was once behind a wall of editing. But that wall seemed to come down. And some fans even thanked the network for exposing Robyn Brown this way.

But no matter what happened, Robyn Brown and her once-shared husband didn’t post online. Because of this, fans had no posts of theirs to go to and comment. But they found a way just the same.

Sister Wives: Kody & Robyn Invited Fans In

Many Sister Wives fans feel that Kody Brown opened a can of worms for himself by creating a reality show around the daily life of his family. So, as fans watched the show, they felt they had a right to comment on what they witnessed on the screen. After all, Kody made his life an open book, then in exchange, the five spouses collected salaries for doing this.

So, in a roundabout way, many fans think Kody got what he asked for. He had a popular show and was making money from it. But because of all the drama, fans’ comments became condemning toward Kody and Robyn. So, they stopped posting, likely to avoid those comments.

Sister Wives: Robyn Brown - Meri Brown -Kody Brown- Christine Brown - Janelle Brown
Sister Wives | TLC Facebook

But the Sister Wives fans got crafty. After the death of Garrison Brown, without any posts from Robyn or Kody, the fans couldn’t drop comments for these two. They could pass along thoughts on posts by Janelle, Christine, and Meri. For these three ladies, the fans offered condolences and comforting comments directed toward their grief.

Fans Come in the Virtual Back Door

So, when the fans couldn’t comment on new posts from Robyn and Kody, they went to some of their old posts. These posts date back years. Back to the time when Robyn and Kody frequently used the online world, much like the three original wives of the Sister Wives series do today

But it’s easy to see what Robyn and Kody might have wanted to avoid. Some fans offered condolences over the death of Garrison Brown on their old posts, But others pointed the finger at this couple. So, Kody and Robyn left no avenue for fans to post today via new posts. But, they didn’t turn off the comment section of their old posts.

This gives the fans a virtual backdoor to open and share their thoughts on Garrison Brown’s death. So, no matter how they may have tried, Robyn Brown and Kody Brown still couldn’t stop the comments from the viewers of this TLC series.

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