Sister Wives

Sister Wives: Villain Robyn’s Blaming Kody For Everything In Season 19

Sister Wives season 19 teaser has been released, and the drama is explosive, with Robyn telling Kody that she doesn’t respect him anymore.

This isn’t the first time the demure brunette has called out her husband, even though they’re supposed to be soul mates. Great couples stick together – it’s them against the world.

However, Robyn is still consumed with the women who have fled. She spends so much time thinking about them, letting the family’s overwrought drama consume her.

The Brown family’s downfall started years ago, but Robyn acts like the world’s ending. Her histrionics are bizarre and aggressive.

In the teaser, Robyn wore a toque as she stared down the husband who’d ruined three relationships for her sake. With Robyn egging him on, he’d done all he could to degrade and demean Meri, Christine and Janelle Brown.

As if that weren’t enough, his relationships with their kids were hanging by a thread. To reward him for all of this mayhem, which led to Robyn’s ultimate goal, monogamy, she told him:

I’m losing respect for you

Kody Gave Up A Lot For Robyn

Was It Really Worth It?

Sister Wives' Kody Brown looks disgusted, with his family lined up behind him.

Kody’s damaged his reputation by humiliating good women. He tries to build himself up as his ego’s so fragile, but there’s really no way to gloss over the fact that he’s savagely attacked fundamentally innocent women who did all they could to protect him. This is atypical behavior that tells a story about Kody’s character.

Typically, good men try to take care of women, even if they don’t really need that kind of help. They care about women and respect them.

With Robyn influencing Kody behind the scenes, the patriarch has become a shockingly bad person… a mere shadow of the smiling and sweet person he was in earlier seasons. Also, the woman he did all of this to please is turning on him. That must make him very unhappy.

Kody is still married to: Robyn
Janelle left Kody because: he didn’t help her with her parenting and wasn’t romantic
Christine left Kody because: he didn’t want intimacy – he was all about Robyn
Meri left Kody because: he pushed her away for years

No, Kody’s not easy to get along with. He plays the victim, brags about his hot body, and won’t face the truth about himself. He pushed those three women away.

That wasn’t their fault. However, despite doing all that he could to create emotional distance between himself, Christine, Meri and Janelle, he never takes responsibility. In fact, he paints them as women who’ve alienated him from his own children, including Paedron, as per The Things.

It could be argued that he did that all by himself, with a little help from Robyn.

Good fathers are present in the lives of their children. They don’t space out and stop trying. Kody’s feuds with his kids show him at his worst – as a childish tyrant who forgets the role he’s supposed to play.

Kody is supposed to be the mature one. When the news of Garrison Brown’s death broke, it was catastrophic. He passed away on March 5, 2024. Before his death, he was estranged from his father. While no one should be blamed for Garrison’s passing, family problems were acting on the young man and making him more troubled.

Does Robyn Really Have The Right To Criticize Kody?

Is She Worse Than He Is?

Maybe to stop the world from accusing her of taking everything from three decent women, Robyn is trying to appear hard done by. This is the type of passive-aggressive behavior Robyn’s known for. She will cloak her real motives under a glossy veneer of victimhood, crying crocdile tears.

However, Robyn has a ruthless streak. To get Kody all to herself, as seen in the trailer above, she possibly hurt Kody’s children with other wives. These kids are innocent and don’t deserve to be sealed off from their father. Kody feuds with many of his children.

When Robyn shades Kody, whether she’s putting down his awful crêpes or telling him he’s changed too much or letting him know she doesn’t respect him so much anymore, she’s not acknowledging her role as the power behind the throne.

In fact, the “monster” Kody’s a bitter and jaded man now, given to cruelty that touches the lives of his own kids. He doesn’t try very hard to fix his problems with his children – he’s even blamed Janelle for his issues with their children.

It’s Kody’s kids with non-Robyn wives who suffer the most because Kody and Robyn have a master plan.

These children have no idea what’s going on behind the scenes, but they do know that something’s not right. For years, something has been wrong.

Kody and Robyn have isolated themselves, and they could care a lot more about the kids that they’ve left behind, such as Janelle’s daughter, Sister Wives‘ Savanah Brown, who didn’t even get a Christmas gift from her father. Kody, as per an InTouch Weekly exclusive, described his dynamic with his kids as:

pretty bad

How a man treats children says everything about him. When Robyn says she doesn’t respect Kody, it should be because his bonds with some of his kids are so weak.

However, it’s other things that bother her. Good men take care of their children and love them – they don’t hurt kids. Kody has Robyn, who’s less than thrilled with him lately, but look what he’s lost in the process.

Who could say that a romantic partner is worth more than a child? Who could argue that anything is worth hurting an innocent child? Happy children get regular love and attention from their parents.

Kody’s kids by non-Robyn wives typically do not feel valued in that way. They feel shortchanged. Nothing is more important than being there for one’s child.

There is no excuse for all of these fueds. Some things are just wrong, and Robyn doesn’t lift a finger when it comes to Kody’s problems with his kids.

In fact, she separated Kody from his older sons at Christmas, just because she didn’t want drama during the holiday. If Sister Wives‘ Kody Brown needs to apologize to Robyn, she and Kody also need to say “sorry” to his kids by other mothers – they are really the innocent victims.

Kody & Robyn Have A Lot To Answer For

Did They Ruin Brown Kids’ Lives?

Janelle deserves an apology too – she has lost so much. She’s valiantly trying to move on, as per her Instagram, as seen above.

Robyn and Kody are low on self-awareness, and as they muddle through together, at some point, they will need to take a good look at themselves and what they have done to the Brown children. It is very serious. The kids Kody feuds with feel:

  • thrown off balance
  • sad
  • ignored
  • angry
  • longing for quality time with their father
  • lonely because Kody is so busy

Robyn can be petty – Kody too. They’ve trained themselves to rationalize their wrongdoing. Instead of blaming one another, they should look at the damage that’s been done, particularly to kids who want nothing more than love, security and family. These younger Sister Wives stars are always the real victims.

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