Sister Wives

‘Sister Wives’: Kody Brown Phone Call Stirs Jealousy – Robyn and Janelle’s Faces Say It All

Sister Wives star Kody Brown was on the phone with one wife when Robyn Brown and Janelle Brown heard the conversation and jealousy ensued. Kody Brown has four wives who admit they do get jealous of one another and sometimes this jealousy surfaces even when least expected. Meri Brown describes the feelings of jealousy as a human emotion that’s hard to ignore.

Sister Wives: Janelle Brown - Robyn Brown - Kody Brown

What the women of Sister Wives pride themselves on is handling those feelings of jealousy. They’ve resigned themselves to realizing jealousy will always come into play when sharing one man. Jealousy is not rare among the wives and when it emerges they face a challenge.

Sister Wives: Three Wives Deal With Jealousy as Kody Dates

During the earlier seasons of Sister Wives, scenes of jealousy weren’t played out to their full extent on the show. When Kody Brown first started to date Robyn jealousy was on high. The patriarch would need to drive four hours to Robyn’s house.

This put him away from home for long periods of time. The three Sister Wives of Papa Brown already vyed for his time and then another woman entered the ring. Yes, jealousy ran high during that time and continued once Robyn and Kody Brown went through their honeymoon period and beyond.

TLC didn’t show the full picture during Robyn and Kody Brown’s courtship and early marriage. Christine Brown was so upset that she actually left for a few weeks. This is when the three sister wives all lived under one roof. But TLC editing made it look as though Christine stayed away for a few days. Although, it was more like a few weeks before she could be talked into coming back to her Sister Wives home.


Beds and Bedrooms Taboo

As the years rolled on, the four wives of the patriarch made it a point not to enter the bedrooms of the other wives. This offered too much of a reminder for each wife that Kody spent intimate time with the other women. Kody Brown himself makes it a point to not show one wife affection with any of the other spouses from Sister Wives present.

That’s probably why you very seldom see a romantic embrace or even a peck on the cheek from Kody on the show. So jealousy is there, still to this day and the Sister Wives clan don’t deny it. But the respect the Sister Wives spouses give each other so jealousy doesn’t bubble up to the surface is highlighted in a clip. This Sister Wives incident played out while Kody Brown and his four wives shopped for furniture. It might seem a bit odd, but there’s a reason behind it.

Sister Wives: Odd Furniture Shopping

At one point after moving to Vegas, Kody Brown took all four wives shopping for furniture. During this trip, Christine and Kody were checking out a bed for Christine’s house. Robyn bluntly said she was walking away from them so they could lay down and try out the bed together. It seems Robyn showed respect by removing herself from the area.

Both Christine and Kody Brown reciprocated that respect which kept them from both laying down until Robyn was out of sight. It is almost like Robyn didn’t want to take in that image of the two of them laying down on a bed. This is something the Sister Wives show touched on in the past.

Despite being fully clothed and nothing remotely romantic about to happen, Robin walked away. Kody and Christine just quickly laid back and took in the firmness of a mattress. So when the women say they don’t like to enter one another’s bedrooms, they probably mean it. Especially if a bed in a furniture shop offers that taboo feeling with more than one of the Sister Wives women around.

One Phone Call to One Wive Spikes Jealousy

While Sister Wives beds are the foundation for conjuring up jealousy, how about a phone call. At one point on this reality show, the four wives went out for a meal together. Back in the earlier seasons, Meri Brown, Janelle Brown, Christine Brown, and Robyn Brown spent times like this bonding as Sister Wives. Although last season, they admitted it’s not something they do so much anymore.

All four wives went out to eat together and a phone call from Kody Brown to Christine disrupted this peaceful scene. While all four ladies of Sister Wives ate dinner, Christine answered Kody’s call. She talked with the shared husband as the other three wives were in earshot of the conversation. This riled the other wives.

The picture at the top of this article shows both Robyn and Janelle as they waited for Christine to finish the conversation. While Christine chatted as a wife to her husband the other wives seemed more upset by the minute. So in the history of jealousy among Kody Brown’s wives, all it takes is a phone call with the patriarch within earshot of the other wives to set things off.

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