Sister Wives

‘Sister Wives’: Janelle Brown Declined Robyn’s Friendship Despite Gift Offerings

Sister Wives celeb Robyn Brown didn’t make a smooth landing for Janelle Brown, who admits she acted a little brutal to her newest co-wife. Out of Kody Brown’s three older wives, most fans would imagine Janelle would do her best to welcome Robyn into the family. If you did, you were wrong. This family’s second wife admits she wasn’t very nice at times.

Sister Wives' Star Janelle Brown Admits She Has a Poor Relationship With  Her Sister Wife Robyn; Kody Says Janelle & Christine Don't Want to Be Robyn's  Friend – The Ashley's Reality Roundup

Sister Wives: Tough Integration For Robyn Brown Into Family

So much water has gone under the bridge for the Sister Wives tribe since they first graced the TV screen. But Janelle remembers back to the time Robyn first became another Mrs. Kody Brown.

Sister Wives followers love Janelle Brown for many reasons. This includes her kindness. During the last decade of Sister Wives seasons, you didn’t see her emotions deviate much. She pretty much functions in her typical even-keeled ways.

The other three Sister Wives women demonstrated peaks and valleys of emotions. This includes Robyn Brown. But Janelle really didn’t and her stability really stuck out for the fans. If she worried about something, you knew there was a good reason.

By the time Kody Brown brought Robyn Brown into the family, his three wives were together a long time. Meri Brown, Christine Brown, and Janelle Brown had been together for 16 years when Robyn came onboard. After this amount of time together, they were pretty much set in their ways.

Sister Wives: Janelle Brown - Robyn Brown

Janelle Brown Locks Robyn Out

Janelle remembers how hard Robyn Brown tried to make a friend out of her. But the older wife saw the family’s rhythm disrupted by this younger wife. So and she wasn’t about to embrace her new spouse. She locked her out of a friendship mode.

Janelle likened the feeling back then to something odd. She said she felt like she was “wearing her shoes on the wrong feet”. That’s how she described her thoughts with another wife in the mix. But Robyn did what she could to entice the mom of six to warm up to her.

Despite Janelle Brown not giving in to her kind acts, Robyn persevered. The brand new wife in the Sister Wives household kept up her offerings.

Janelle said Robyn Brown would bring little trinkets to her kids. She’d offer “just because gifts” to her co-wife’s brood of six. Some of the items symbolized the family for the Sister Wives kids. It sounded as if Robyn put a lot of thought into this.

Sister Wives: Robyn Brown
Sister Wives: Robyn Brown

Sister Wives: Life Is Like a Cold Car Ride?

Still, Janelle wasn’t ready to warm up to a friendship. She said she was cordial to this new Sister Wives member. Plus, she thought she could live her life with Robyn by bringing up an odd comparison. She thought it would be like two people riding in a car. But those two people would look out different windows.

In the book the Sister Wives penned, Janelle admits her feelings towards Robyn lacked warmth. During the first year that Robyn Brown joined the family, Janelle wasn’t willing to “build a bridge” of friendship between the two.

Kody Brown’s second wife from his Sister Wives plural marriage admits she became set in her ways. She writes that she found herself “kicking and kicking against opening myself up to Robyn”.

Janelle confesses that she never saw Robyn coming. She apparently believed that three wives made up the Sister Wives unit for good.

Sister Wives: Janelle Brown

Grows Tired of Her Own Roadblocks

Despite all the roadblocks Janelle made for herself when it came to befriending Robyn, she believed this new Sister Wives co-wife belonged in the family. While Kody’s second wife was spiritually convinced that Kody belonged with his new wife as well as the family, she didn’t give in.

Before Kody took a fourth wife, for the previous decade and a half, Janelle, Meri. and Christine worked on becoming a well-oiled family unit. So Janelle didn’t see any room in her life for the new wife. But something changed.

Janelle said she became tired of fighting against herself when it came to making friends with Robyn Brown. She also saw the value in Robyn’s “amazing amount of emotional maturity.” This newest spouse to join the Sister Wives unit harbored the skills to help Kody validate each and every one of her co-wives.

While it seemed as if Robyn’s entrance into the family caused a rocky time she actually helped Kody build a better relationship with Janelle. At that point, they didn’t talk like husband and wife. Kody’s number two wife said they forgot the “sweeter part of marriage.” They “interacted like business partners”.

So, Janelle credits Robyn with supplying Kody with the tools to show her they need to “demonstrate more warmth and affection” in their marriage. In a roundabout way, it sounds as if  Robyn Brown helped both Janelle Brown and Kody Brown to find some romance.

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