General Hospital

Brad Confronts Portia With Heather’s Test Results — and a New Development Determines Alexis’ Fate

Monday, October 14, 2024: Today on General Hospital, Portia confesses to Curtis, Brad seizes his opportunity, Anna confronts Dante, and new evidence changes everything for Alexis.

At the hospital, Brad holds up a report to an anxious Portia

Dante stops Sonny as he’s about to confess at the police station. Anna tells Dante it can wait, but Dante disagrees. Martin rushes in, demanding to know why Anna hasn’t shared the new evidence in Alexis’ case.

Anna tries to deflect but eventually admits they received a gun that matches the one Alexis threw into the river. However, more testing needs to be done. Martin asks about the ballistics report. She confirms ballistics don’t match the gun that was used to kill Cates.

At the courthouse, Dex helps Molly pick up the papers she dropped. He brings up the new evidence in Alexis’ case, but she doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He doesn’t want to jeopardize his job by telling her. She understands but can’t imagine what it could be.

Molly and Dex crouch to the courthouse floor to pick up papers

Terry comes to the lab wondering if Brad found anything new in Heather’s test results. He wants to double check his work first before handing it over.

Terry thinks that’s a good idea since all eyes are on him, especially Portia’s, considering she doesn’t want him there. Brad has no doubt he’ll get her to come around. After Terry leaves, Brady smirks as he prints Heather’s lab report.

In Curtis’ office, Portia confesses to her husband that she changed Heather’s cobalt test results. Now, the court has demanded the hospital turn over all of Heather’s tests.

If they find out Heather’s tests were tampered with on the day that she was in the lab, a place she rarely goes, it’s over for her. Curtis suggests there’s no reason to suspect her or tampering in general.

The error could be due to a lab mistake or a faulty test. As long as they’re the only ones who know, she should just go about business as usual. Portia tells him Ava knows.

His head about explodes, but she knows Ava would never hurt Trina by turning her in. He assures her he has her back and that there’s no reason to worry. However, when she leaves for work, Curtis’ positivity turns to anxiety.

Portia and Curtis seriously face each other in his office.

Elizabeth panics as she and Ric are summoned to the PCPD. Chase meets them and presents the gun they received. Liz says it looks like the one Alexis was holding, but Ric can’t be sure. Scowling, Elizabeth prods him into admitting it looks like the gun Alexis had. Ric then gets a call from Curtis to discuss an urgent family matter.

Diane arrives at the PCPD as Anna reiterates that more investigating needs to be done on the gun. Sonny passes on giving the statement he was prepared to make, and Martin leaves to file a motion with the judge in Alexis’ case.

As Dex asks Molly at the courthouse if she’s feeling better than when he saw her at the bar, she gets a message. Looking hopeful, she says it’s about the new evidence Dex was talking about. Meanwhile, a guard interrupts Alexis’ visit at the jail with Kristina to bring her to court. Kristina assumes Sonny confessed.

Later, Kristina, Michael, and Sam meet in the courthouse corridor, wondering what’s going on. They enter the courtroom, where Molly and Kristina share an icy glare.

Back in the corridor, Sonny tells Diane the gun didn’t come from him, and he has no idea who sent it. A bailiff brings Alexis into court.

Terry finds Elizabeth in the hospital locker room. Elizabeth rants about Ric, but Terry wonders if her mood is really about Lucky. Elizabeth is worried for Aiden that Lucky will leave again now that he can’t be Lulu’s hero.

Elizabeth and Terry talk in the GH locker room.

Brad smugly approaches Portia at the hospital hub. She brings him to her office where he tells her Heather’s cobalt levels were radically altered. Trying to hide her anxiety, she calmly says it’s for Heather’s legal team to worry about, not him.

He adds that he discovered she accessed the lab’s computer on the same day. “Should I worry about that, Dr. Robinson?” She says testing errors happen all the time and wonders why he’s bringing this to her.

In a veiled tone, Brad says he just wanted her to see how hard he’s working and that he was able to catch such a jarring discrepancy. So, if she’s ever asked about his work, he hopes she’ll have good things to say since he’s back on a trial basis.

Brad wonders what would get him a more favorable review from Portia: doing his due diligence by bringing his report to the higher-ups or his discretion? A stilted Portia tells him how impressed she’s been with his work and suggests he give the police and legal teams everything they ask for.

But he shouldn’t complicate matters by offering his opinion on the results. In return, she’ll recommend Terry put him on full-time after his trial period, if not sooner. He gives her the test results copy, reminds her he has the digital record, and saunters out. She slams the door behind him and furiously rips up the report.

Holding a report, Brady smirks as Portia stares off with a stressed expression

In his office, Curtis confronts Ric, father to father, about his defending Heather. Ric understands his concerns, but he doesn’t feel Curtis’ family has reason to fear her.

Curtis disagrees and demands to know what happens next. Ric tells him he has concrete evidence that Heather’s state of mind was due to metallosis. Heather will get her day in court, which could lead to immediate release.

Alone in the interrogation room, Alexis assumes Dante was going to tell Sonny about the gun before his father could confess. Respecting her too much to lie, he admits the thought crossed his mind. She wonders what’s so different this time that he was going to cross the line for Sonny.

Dante laments the thought of having to tell Rocco his grandfather is going to prison on top of everything with Lulu. Anna says whatever happens, Rocco will have Dante to see him through it and that’s what matters. She knows how much Dante still cares for Lulu. Dante would trade his life for hers.

In court, Martin presents a report on the recovered gun and moves to dismiss the charges against Alexis. The prosecutor argues against it. After taking time out of court to consider, the judge drops the charges against Alexis due to insufficient evidence.

As everyone celebrates, Molly and Kristina again share icy glares. Alexis tells Sonny she knows what he was going to do for her. Sonny will always do what he can for the people he loves.

Michael follows Molly to the corridor, wondering where she’s going. Molly can’t be around Kristina, whom she still blames for setting this all in motion.

Brad brings Elizabeth Heather’s test results at the hub. After he leaves, Elizabeth gets an alert on her computer that they found a match for Lulu.

Next on General Hospital, Ned makes Drew an offer, Sam receives life-changing news, and Isaiah is ready to jump into action!

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