General Hospital

Lucas and Maxie visit Bobbie’s grave

Lucas stood outside Bobbie’s, looking up at the sign Elizabeth had painted earlier in the year. He walked inside, followed by Willow and Wiley.

After Willow and Lucas exchanged pleasantries, Wiley asked who Lucas was. Willow told him that Lucas was Grandma Carly’s brother and therefore, his great-uncle. Wiley was thrilled to meet him.

General Hospital

Michael and Maxie soon arrived. Maxie quickly chastised Lucas for not telling her he was back, then Wiley told Michael that Lucas was his uncle. Lucas and Michael hugged before Lucas told them that he had to leave. After Lucas was gone, Michael and Willow acknowledged how hard seeing Wiley had to be for Lucas.

Michael and Willow discussed how Lucas could have made it hard for Michael to get custody of Wiley, but he was grateful that Lucas had gracefully bowed out of Wiley’s life. However, Willow and Michael said they wanted Lucas to be in their son’s life. Willow was also grateful to Michael for allowing her to be Wiley’s mom.

Michael admitted to Willow that he had considered telling Wiley the truth about Lucas, but Michael wasn’t sure how to explain. Willow promised they would figure it out together. When Wiley returned to the table, Willow and Michael told him all about Lucas taking care of Wiley when he had been a baby.

After his reunion at Bobbie’s, Lucas visited Bobbie’s grave and told his mom how much he missed her. When he turned around, Maxie was standing there. Lucas and Maxie discussed how he’d felt losing Wiley. Lucas was shocked to see how big Wiley had gotten, but he was also pleased to see how happy the little boy was.

When Lucky got off the GH elevator, he spotted Aiden and called out his name. Aiden turned around and simply said, “Hi, Dad.” Elizabeth observed the exchange before stepping in and suggesting they use the break room to talk.

Once Aiden and Lucky were alone, Lucky told his son he was sorry for everything. “It’s my fault that we didn’t talk for so long. It’s not that I didn’t want to. I was in places where…no excuses. I should have figured out a way to make contact,” Lucky said.

Aiden told Lucky he was glad that his father was there, but he had still needed his dad over the past few years. “There was a lot going on in my life that I really wanted to talk to you about,” Aiden said.

Aiden asked Lucky to allow him to talk, so Lucky obliged. Aiden said he wasn’t sure how to tell Lucky, but he knew he just had to say it. “I’ve wanted to tell you for a long time…I’m gay,” Aiden said.

Lucky took a few moments to compose himself before responding. “I’m your father. And I love you without exception, and if I’ve made you question that ’cause I’ve been gone, I am sorry…Nothing will change the way I feel about you,” Lucky said.

Aiden was greatly relieved hearing Lucky’s words. “I feel like I can breathe,” Aiden said before embracing his dad. The father and son then caught up on life, with Aiden telling Lucky all about his baking business. Lucky told Aiden about the Triple L diner. It turned out Luke had been the diner’s baker.

At the nurses’ station, Elizabeth told Terry that Lucky and Aiden had a lot to catch up on in the break room. Terry knew Aiden coming out to his dad was a big deal, but Elizabeth was surprised that Aiden had told Terry he was gay. Soon, Elizabeth got Lucky’s test results, so she found Lucky and Aiden. After Aiden left to meet a friend, Elizabeth told Lucky he wasn’t a viable liver donor for Lulu.

Diane stopped by Robert’s office and was shocked when he told her that Holly was back in town. Robert said he wanted to be upfront with Diane, and he apologized for how he had acted the last time Holly had been in town, especially when he had kissed Holly. “You’re my present and my future. Holly is my past,” Robert said.

Diane admitted that she felt exactly the same. “As long as your lips only touch my lips, no doubts,” Diane said as she smiled.

In her Metro Court hotel room, Holly held the diamond she had stolen from Sidwell and discussed making a deal for the diamond with someone on the other end of the phone. After she hung up, there was a knock on the door. Brennan was standing there with a bottle of Champagne.

Brennan introduced himself as Holly invited him in. He opened the Champagne bottle as Holly discreetly hid the diamond. Brennan had some questions about Sidwell and his diamond mines. As they sipped Champagne, Holly explained how she had met Sidwell. “We both enjoy the finer things in life,” she said.

Holly lied and said their relationship had not been business at all. She said if she had known what he had been up to, she would not have been involved with him. Brennan wasn’t sure he believed her. Holly claimed she had only learned the truth when Anna and Jason had arrived. After that, her only focus had been getting Lucky home.

Holly asked if Brennan had ordered the drone strikes, but he would “neither confirm nor deny.” Felicia soon arrived and interrupted their conversation. Felicia was surprised to see Brennan there and gave him the side-eye before he left.

Once alone, Holly and Felicia caught up. Felicia asked why Holly wasn’t staying with her and Mac. Holly told Felicia she had seen Mac at Maxie’s and had gotten the feeling that Mac didn’t want her around. Felicia didn’t care how Mac felt and expressed how much she had missed Holly.

When Felicia brought up Robert, Holly told Felicia that Mac had discouraged her from seeing Robert. “He said it wouldn’t be fair to keep popping up in Robert’s life if I couldn’t stay in it,” Holly said. Felicia disagreed and said that Holly and Robert needed to find a way forward together. After Felicia left, Holly surprised Robert in his office.

In the Quartermaine kitchen, Tracy came across Violet writing a letter to Finn. Tracy could tell Violet was upset and asked what had happened. Violet told her about hitting a kid at school who had called Finn a drunk. Tracy sat down with Violet to talk.

“Getting upset is acceptable. Getting violent is not,” Tracy said. Violet agreed and asked Tracy to explain what a drunk was. Tracy told her that Finn had an illness called alcoholism, and Tracy explained what being an alcoholic meant.

Tracy assured Violet that Finn loved her and was working hard to get well so he could be with her again. Tracy also explained that Garth wanted to upset Violet, and the fact that she had hit him had shown Garth that he had.

Soon, Violet was alone again when Gio came along and told Violet that Tracy was on the phone but was not happy. Violet explained what had happened. Gio told her that in his family, “they’d be cheering you on.” After Gio finished joking around, he told Violet how much he missed his mom, but he said Violet would see her dad again soon.

Brook Lynn and Chase sat down with Violet’s principal. The principal admitted that the child Violet had hit had some ongoing bullying issues; however, that still did not excuse what Violet had done.

The principal had some further worries about Violet’s emotional state, explaining that she has been more withdrawn at school and that her teachers were concerned.

Brook Lynn insisted Violet had a massive support system at home, and the principal didn’t doubt it. “We just want to do everything on our end to help Violet not just survive, but thrive,” the principal said.

After discussing the possibility of therapy for Violet, Chase and Brook Lynn were surprised when Diane showed up as Violet’s new lawyer. Brook Lynn and Chase knew Tracy had called Diane, and the asked to speak to her alone. Diane wanted to put the school on the defensive, but Brook Lynn and Chase explained that the school was being supportive.

When Brook Lynn and Chase returned home, they told Violet that she was suspended and that she had to apologize to Garth. However, they assured Violet that they still believed in her.

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