General Hospital

General Hospital fans slam Jason and Anna for ‘gross’ move that ‘no one asked for’

On Thursday, General Hospital Jason and Anna takes a new step in their relationship and fans are shook at the reveal

Anna and Jason

General Hospital fans are screaming over Jason’s bold move with Anna.

On Thursday’s episode of the ABC daytime drama, Anna and Jason are in Somalia to rescue Lucky so they can bring him back home to be a donor for Lulu who is dying in her coma.

They got into a sticky situation with Jenz Sidewell who has been keeping Lucky hostage. He suggested a three-person deadly card game to Jason, Anna, Lucky and Holly Sutto which will lead to someone dying regardless of there being a “winner”.

For example if Jason wins, he and Anna are safe. If Lucky wins, he and Holly are safe. If Sidewell wins, they all die. The game was played between Sidwell, Jason and Lucky as Holly and Anna were taken to a jail cell to await the results.

Jason pretended to lose the game so Lucky can live which meant he and Anna were going to be killed. Before the episode ended, Jason and Anna were locked in a cell together, waiting. Jason proposed to Anna that they jump the guards and asked her to help him get his handcuffs off.

Anna started to freak out as the situation sunk in that they might die. The two hugged and as they separated, they stared at each other in a charged few seconds. Then Jason proceeded to kiss Anna after hearing the doors clank and Anna reciprocated the kiss.

Jason anf Anna

Jason and Anna kiss

Fans were horrified on social media to witness the kiss. They could not believe the show went there, especially because of the history between Jason and Anna. Jason and Anna’s daughter, Robin Scorpio, went to high school together and dated. They also were both each other’s first loves.

The relationship didn’t last, but the two maintained a friendship and cared about each other. Robin Scorpio ended up with Patrick Drake and they have two children together. Although, Robin hasn’t been on the show in person since 2021.

One fan X formerly Twitter wrote: “Anna and Jason.. so f—— gross.” A second fan said: “I could’ve gone my entire life without seeing Jason and Anna kiss. I can’t even begin to put into words how unnecessary a move this is. Just…no.” Another said: “I’m sorry, but Jason & Anna kissing?! Just no. This is the same ick as Sonny & Emily for me. YOU WERE WITH ANNA’S DAUGHTER AT ONE TIME FOR CHRIST’S SAKE!!”

A fourth fan couldn’t understand what all the upset was about, wrote: “Why are y’all acting shocked about Jason and Anna kissing? They’ve been heading towards this for weeks.” A fifth fan seemed kind of about it before remembering Jason dated Robin, wrote: “Wait! No Jason stop kissing your ex gf mom cuz i was kinda like hmmm BUT no that would be weird…stick to friends.”

The current reactions differ from a few weeks ago, when fans were feeling their interactions and even predicted something was going to happen between them because of their chemistry.

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