General Hospital

OMG SHOCK! Molly gets pregnant with Dex, TJ goes crazy – General Hospital Spoilers

In recent episodes of General Hospital, the storyline revolving around Molly Lansing-Davis and her partner TJ Ashford has taken a heart-wrenching turn, particularly following the devastating loss of their child, baby Irene Marie.

This tragic event has left both characters in a state of emotional turmoil, and as they each struggle to cope with their grief, new tensions and unexpected connections are emerging that may have far-reaching consequences for both their relationship and the lives of those around them.

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The Devastating Loss

The death of baby Irene Marie has left Molly and TJ in a vulnerable state. The emotional weight of losing a child is immense, and the writers have deftly portrayed how grief can affect different individuals in varied ways.

For Molly, the loss is a haunting reminder of what could have been, and it brings out her insecurities and emotional fragility. On the other hand, TJ is processing his grief in a way that reflects his methodical and logical nature, but this has only led to further emotional distance between the two.

Their differing ways of handling grief are creating friction in the relationship, leading to misunderstandings and mounting tension.

It is in this period of emotional vulnerability that Dex enters Molly’s life. The introduction of Dex at such a pivotal moment has sparked intrigue among viewers, as the chance encounter between the two characters while out on a run seems too serendipitous to be insignificant.

This is a classic soap opera setup: two individuals, both dealing with their respective emotional struggles, meet under unlikely circumstances, laying the groundwork for deeper emotional connections.

Dex’s Unexpected Role


Dex’s arrival in Molly’s life seems timed to perfection. Not only is Molly dealing with the emotional aftermath of her child’s death, but she is also feeling increasingly isolated from TJ, whose coping mechanisms are different from hers.

Dex provides an emotional outlet for Molly, someone who, unlike TJ, is new to her life and doesn’t carry the emotional baggage of their shared grief. This presents a fresh perspective, which can be incredibly enticing during a period of mourning.

Moreover, Dex’s role goes beyond just being a comforting presence. He informs Molly about recent troubles that her mother, Alexis Davis, has been facing at the Port Charles Police Department (PCPD).

This interaction suggests that Dex may offer more than just emotional support—he might become a pivotal figure in Molly’s life, someone she can rely on for help and guidance during a turbulent time.

This initial meeting and Dex’s sharing of personal news hints at the possibility of a growing bond between them. As any General Hospital viewer knows, soap operas thrive on the development of complex relationships, and Dex and Molly’s connection is no exception.

The question now is whether their budding friendship will evolve into something more romantic, particularly as Molly continues to feel estranged from TJ.

Emotional Vulnerability and Potential Infidelity

Molly and TJ’s relationship is further complicated by their clashing ways of coping with grief. While they both love each other, their inability to communicate and support each other emotionally has left their relationship on shaky ground.

As any soap opera fan knows, emotional vulnerability often leads to moments of indiscretion, and General Hospital has laid the groundwork for just such a scenario.

Soap opera history is littered with instances of characters seeking solace in the arms of another when their primary relationship hits a rough patch. Viewers are already anticipating whether Molly’s emotional vulnerability will lead to infidelity with Dex, and the writers seem to be hinting at this possibility.

The fact that both Molly and TJ are struggling to reconnect emotionally opens the door for outside influences to disrupt their relationship, and Dex’s presence in Molly’s life may be the catalyst that triggers this shift.

If Molly and Dex were to act on their attraction, it would undoubtedly create a firestorm of drama, not only for Molly and TJ but also for Joselyn Jax, who is currently in a relationship with Dex. Joselyn and Dex’s relationship has been relatively stable so far, but in the unpredictable world of soap operas, stability is often short-lived.

The Love Triangle and the Fallout

The tension in Molly and TJ’s relationship, coupled with Dex’s growing presence in Molly’s life, sets the stage for a potential love triangle that could have major implications for all involved. Joselyn is deeply invested in her relationship with Dex, and any betrayal on his part would be a devastating blow.

Similarly, TJ, who has been struggling to cope with the loss of his child, may not be able to handle the added emotional weight of infidelity.

This complex web of relationships creates a perfect storm for drama, and the writers are clearly building toward a major turning point. If Molly and Dex were to succumb to their feelings, it could lead to a passionate encounter that neither expected, but one that would have far-reaching consequences.

Molly’s Potential Pregnancy and the Shockwaves

The ultimate twist in this evolving storyline would be if Molly were to become pregnant with Dex’s child. This development would send shockwaves through the lives of everyone involved, particularly Joselyn and TJ.

How would they cope with the heartbreak and betrayal? The writers are clearly setting up a scenario where the fallout from such an event could lead to major emotional and narrative shifts.

Molly’s pregnancy would be a turning point not just for her relationship with TJ, but also for Dex and Joselyn. The revelation that Molly is carrying Dex’s child would create an intricate web of emotional turmoil that could lead to the unraveling of multiple relationships.

Joselyn, who has been a stabilizing presence in Dex’s life, would likely feel betrayed, and TJ, who is already struggling to cope with his grief, may spiral out of control upon learning that Molly has been unfaithful.

For Molly, this pregnancy would force her to confront her feelings for both Dex and TJ. Would she try to salvage her relationship with TJ, or would she turn to Dex, the man who has been there for her during her most vulnerable moments? The emotional stakes are incredibly high, and the consequences of her actions will undoubtedly reverberate through the lives of all the characters involved.


As the storyline involving Molly, TJ, Dex, and Joselyn continues to unfold, viewers are left wondering what the future holds for these characters. The emotional tension between Molly and TJ, coupled with Dex’s growing presence in Molly’s life, has created the perfect conditions for a dramatic love triangle to emerge.

If Molly does become pregnant with Dex’s child, the fallout will be nothing short of explosive, affecting not only her relationship with TJ but also Dex’s relationship with Joselyn.

In true General Hospital fashion, this storyline promises to deliver plenty of emotional twists and turns, leaving fans on the edge of their seats as they wait to see how the drama unfolds.

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