General Hospital

General Hospital Spoilers: Ava’s Ending, Who Will Take Her Down?

The intrigue and drama of “General Hospital” continue to captivate viewers, and the latest spoilers hint at a major shake-up in Port Charles. Ava Jerome, the cunning and often controversial character, seems to be facing her ultimate downfall. The question on everyone’s mind is: who will finally take her down?

Ava Jerome’s Turbulent Journey

Ava Jerome, played brilliantly by Maura West, has been a fixture in “General Hospital” for years. Known for her manipulative and sometimes ruthless behavior, Ava has made countless enemies along the way. From her involvement in mob activities to her complicated romantic entanglements, Ava’s life has been anything but simple. Despite her many attempts to reform, her past misdeeds continue to haunt her, and it looks like her time might be running out.

The Key Players in Ava’s Downfall

Several characters in Port Charles have motives and means to bring Ava down, but who will ultimately succeed?

  1. Nikolas Cassadine: Ava’s on-again, off-again husband, Nikolas has a complicated history with her. Their tumultuous relationship has been marked by betrayal and secrets. Recently, tensions have escalated between them, and Nikolas might decide that removing Ava from the equation is his only option to protect himself and his family.
  2. Carly Corinthos: Carly has never hidden her disdain for Ava. The animosity between them has only grown over the years, especially with Avery, Ava’s daughter with Sonny Corinthos, being a constant source of conflict. Carly’s protective nature towards her family could drive her to take drastic measures against Ava.
  3. Sonny Corinthos: As a powerful mob boss, Sonny has the resources and the motive to eliminate Ava, particularly if she poses a threat to his family. Sonny has shown a ruthless side when it comes to dealing with his enemies, and Ava could find herself on his hit list if she steps out of line.
  4. Julian Jerome: Ava’s brother Julian has had a complicated relationship with her. While he has often protected her, their recent falling out could push Julian to turn on his sister. Julian’s desperation to save himself might lead him to betray Ava in a bid for survival.
  5. Ryan Chamberlain: The psychopathic killer has an obsessive fixation on Ava. Although currently incarcerated, Ryan’s influence could still be a looming threat. If he escapes or manages to manipulate events from behind bars, Ava could find herself in grave danger from the man who claims to love her.

The Final Act

The build-up to Ava’s potential downfall has been intense, and fans are eagerly awaiting the dramatic climax. Will it be a calculated move by one of her enemies, a sudden twist orchestrated by a new player, or a culmination of her many misdeeds catching up to her?

What’s Next for Ava?

As Ava navigates the dangerous waters of Port Charles, her survival hinges on her ability to outmaneuver her enemies. The upcoming episodes promise high-stakes drama, and viewers can expect shocking twists and explosive confrontations. Ava’s cunning and resilience have seen her through many trials, but whether she can escape this latest threat remains to be seen.


“General Hospital” continues to deliver riveting storylines, and Ava Jerome’s impending downfall is set to be one of the most gripping arcs yet. With multiple characters poised to take her down, the suspense is palpable. Fans will have to stay tuned to see who will ultimately bring Ava to her knees and what her fate will be in the ever-tumultuous world of Port Charles.

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