General Hospital

MINUTES AGO! GH Laura Wright (Carly Spencer) Called Out For ‘Erasing Robin’ By Fans!

General Hospital (GH) spoilers and updates reveals, Boy, did Laura Wright get in trouble with fans recently! Wright, who plays Carly on GH, practically gave fan-favorite Robin Scorpio (Kimberly McCullough) the royal snub in an interview recently and that didn’t set right with a lot of fans.

She isn’t going down without a fight though and she had some things to address regarding her alleged snub.

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Wright talked about how Carly has been there for Jason Quartermaine (Steve Burton) from the beginning, how she accepted him when the rest of his family just simply wanted him to return to being himself.

She helped him during his memory loss, but neglected to mention Robin and how integral a role she played in Jason’s life as well. Daily Drama was the source for sharing the interview with Steve Burton over on X.

“When Carly met Jason,” said Wright in the interview, “It was a time in which no one in the Quartermaine accepted him because they wanted who he used to be back. And she was the one who loved everything about him, for who he was in this moment.”

And then went on explaining how at that time it was important for Jason’s character to be accepted. Fans thought that this statement meant that Wright thought that Carly was the only one there for Jason. Hoo boy.

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Of course this was going to set the course in motion for a potential flame war online. “The Robin erasure is INSANE. INSANE!” captioned on fan after sharing the video, and lots of people agreed with the sentiment. “I thought the same thing!

Robin was the first person to accept Jason after the accident. She was there when he woke up! And she knew him before so her acceptance was HUGE to him!”

Laura, realizing the error of her ways responded in a post on X, “Oh my gosh, you guys it wasn’t a Robin erase – I meant in the world of the Quartermaines (to my knowledge) my gosh. Let’s have some grace and kindness – I love the show and all the characters and actors – nothing but LOVE”

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Thankfully, a few fans had Laura’s back against the onslaught of online hate. One fan went as far as to respond with a video of Jason telling Hannah Scott (Lisa Vultaggio) basically the same thing that Laura had said in the interview.

They captioned the video with, “Yeah here’s Jason like 25 years ago saying the same thing.” to which Laura replied “Thanks” along with a smiley face. After that one fan stepped up, several others did as well, apologizing for the haters that Laura had to deal with.

It’s a proven fact that if you hang around the Internet long enough, things like this are bound to happen, you can’t please everybody all the time.

Like the rest of us, Laura is human, but at least she owned up to it. Be sure to check back here for all the news and spoilers concerning GH as well as your other favorite soaps! Stay tuned!!!

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